
An Alert Message is a design system component that provides users with critical information or feedback about their interaction with the application. It typically appears as a prominent, styled box containing a message, often accompanied by an icon to indicate the type of alert, such as success, error, warning, or information. Alert messages are designed to capture attention and convey important updates or issues that require user awareness or action.

Color Success
Color Danger
Color Informative
Color Warning
Property Values Default
Color Variant Informative | Success | Warning | Danger Informative
Succes Text Text string You have submitted a reply to a job offer.
Danger Text Text string You can reply to a job offer by filling in the first and last name fields.
Informative Text Text string We have sent you an activation code to the e-mail jiri@spiriuikit.
Warning Text Text string Your CV data could not be updated. Check your internet connection.
Headline Boolean true | false true
Link Boolean true | false true
Content align Variant Full width | Center Full width