
Breadcrumbs are a navigational component in a design system that displays a hierarchical trail of links, indicating the user's current location within the application's structure. They help users understand their position in a multi-level interface and provide an easy way to navigate back to previous sections or higher levels of the hierarchy. Breadcrumbs enhance usability by offering context and reducing the number of clicks needed to return to a previously visited page.

Live code


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                                                import { Breadcrumbs } from '@lmc-eu/spirit-web-react/components';

Define breadcrumb items as an array type of BreadcrumbsItem[].

                                                const items = [
                                                    title: 'Root',
                                                    url: '#rootUrl',
                                                    title: 'Category',
                                                    url: '#categoryUrl',
                                                    title: 'Subcategory',
                                                    url: '#subcategoryUrl',
                                                    title: 'Current page',
                                                    url: '#currentUrl',

Simply pass the breadcrumbs array as a prop:

                                                <Breadcrumbs items={items} goBackTitle="Custom back link translation" />

Custom usage

Use custom content for the ordered list as component's children instead of passing breadcrumb items array via props:

                                                  { => (
                                                    <li key={`BreadcrumbsItem_${item.title}`}>
                                                      <Link color="primary" underlined="always">


Name Type Default Required Description
children ReactNode Custom content to override items rendering from array
elementType ElementType nav Type of element used as wrapper
goBackTitle string Title/translation for back link to previous page on mobile. It's essential to be set along with items. If items property is not passed, the back link is to be created within children property.
items BreadcrumbsItem[] Navigation menu items

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Use the BreadcrumbsItem component for the ordered list as the component's children instead of passing the breadcrumb items array via props:

                                                  {, index) => (
                                                    <BreadcrumbsItem key={`BreadcrumbsItem_${item.title}`} isCurrent={items.length === index - 1} href={item.url}>


Name Type Default Required Description
children ReactNode Children node
href string ✕ * URL, if not set, the item is rendered as a plain text
iconNameEnd string chevron-right Icon name at the end of the item
iconNameStart string chevron-left Icon name at the start of the item
isCurrent boolean false Whether is the item the current page
isGoBackOnly boolean false Whether should be displayed in go back mode

(*) Optional only for the current page.

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Dealing with long titles

When you need to shorten the title of the BreadcrumbsItem the preferred way is to use platform native helpers. There are multiple ways in JavaScript which will truncate a string for you like .slice or .substring, e.g. str.slice(0, num) + '…'.

Additional option is to use helper class text-truncate with defined width.

You can also use any of the existing npm packages which deal with truncating the string.

For detailed information see Breadcrumbs component.