Field Group

A Field Group is a user interface component used to organize related form fields or input elements together.


FieldGroup is a component that groups form fields together. Additionally, it provides a common label, helper text, and validation messages for all fields in the group.

Basic Usage

                                                <FieldGroup id="example-field-group" label="Label">
                                                    <!-- Form fields… -->

⚠️ The FieldGroup component does not provide all necessary semantics and any styling to its child fields. It is up to the developer to configure the child fields correctly.

⚠️ Remember the FieldGroup component is required to be used with content. Otherwise, it is useless. If it is used dynamically, make sure the FieldGroup component without content has been removed correctly.

👉 The FieldGroup component implements the <fieldset> HTML element. Read more about the advantages and limitations in the web implementation of FieldGroup.

Required Fields

To render FieldGroup as required, add the isRequired prop:

                                                <FieldGroup id="example-field-group" label="Label" isRequired>
                                                  <!-- Form fields… -->

⚠️ The isRequired prop is only used to indicate visually that all fields in the group are required. The individual fields themselves need to be marked as required using the isRequired prop.

Hidden Label

To visually hide the FieldGroup label, add the isLabelHidden prop:

                                                <FieldGroup id="example-field-group" label="Label" isLabelHidden>
                                                    <!-- Form fields… -->

⚠️ Remember the label prop should be always set to provide an accessible label for the group.

Helper Text

To render helper text, add the helperText prop:

                                                <FieldGroup helperText="Helper text" id="example-field-group" label="Label">
                                                    <!-- Form fields… -->

Fluid Width

To make the FieldGroup component fluid, add the isFluid prop:

                                                <FieldGroup id="example-field-group" label="Label" isFluid>
                                                    <!-- Form fields… -->

Disabled State

To render FieldGroup as required, add the isDisabled prop:

                                                <FieldGroup id="example-field-group" label="Label" isDisabled>
                                                    <!-- Form fields… -->

⚠️ Remember to also disable all fields in the group using the isDisabled prop.

👉 Read more about the disabled state in the web implementation of FieldGroup.

Validation States

Just like any other form component in Spirit, FieldGroup implements the Validation state dictionary.

Validation states can be presented either by adding the validationState attribute, or by adding a JS interaction class on the native HTML input when controlled by JavaScript (has-success, has-warning, has-danger).

When validated on server:

                                                  validationText="Success validation message"


Name Type Default Required Description
form string null Parent form ID
helperText string null ✕** Custom helper text
id string Group and label identification
isDisabled bool false If true, the group is disabled
isFluid bool false If true, the element spans to the full width of its parent
isLabelHidden bool false If true, label is hidden
isRequired bool false If true, the group is marked as required
label string null ✕* Label text
name string null Group name
UNSAFE_helperText string null ✕** Unescaped custom helper text (allows HTML)
UNSAFE_label string null ✕* Unescaped label text (allows HTML)
UNSAFE_validationText [string | string[]] null ✕** Unescaped validation text (allows HTML)
validationState Validation dictionary null Type of validation state
validationText [string | string[]] null ✕** Validation text

(*) To keep the component accessible, a label is always required. You can use the label for simple text or UNSAFE_label for HTML content. (**) Props with and without UNSAFE_ prefix are mutually exclusive.

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.