File Uploader

Markdown docs


FileUploader allows users to pick one or more files to upload.

FileUploader itself actually does not upload anything to the server.

FileUploader is a composition of a few subcomponents:

JavaScript Plugin

For full functionality, you need to provide Spirit JavaScript:

                                                <script src="node_modules/@lmc-eu/spirit-web/js/cjs/spirit-web.min.js" async></script>

Please consult the main README for how to include JavaScript plugins.

Or, feel free to write the controlling script yourself.

👉 Check the component's docs in the web package to see the full documentation and API of the plugin.


This is the main wrapper for the whole composition. It provides proper spacing for its subcomponents (and holds the instance of the FileUploader JS class):

                                                <FileUploader data-spirit-toggle="fileUploader">
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderInput -->
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderList -->

Fluid Width

By adding the isFluid attribute, FileUploader can take up all the available horizontal space:

                                                <FileUploader isFluid data-spirit-toggle="fileUploader">
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderInput -->
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderList -->


Name Type Default Required Description
isFluid bool false ✕ If true, the element spans to the full width of its parent

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.


FileUploaderInput is a file picker built around the native HTML file input.

If supported by the device, FileUploaderInput automatically turns on the drag-and-drop functionality.

                                                    helperText="Max file size is 10 MB"

Selecting Multiple Files at Once

To pick more than one file, just add the multiple attribute that will be transferred to the native HTML input:


Maximum File Size (JavaScript)

The maximum size of the uploaded file that is validated by the JavaScript plugin can be adjusted. The default value is 10 MB. To increase the limit for example to 20 MB, add the maxFileSize attribute. The attribute value should be given in bytes:

                                                <FileUploaderInput maxFileSize={ 20000000 } />

Maximum Number of Files in Queue (JavaScript)

Limit of the maximum number of uploaded files. The default value is 10, but any value can be set via the maxUploadedFiles attribute:

                                                <FileUploaderInput maxUploadedFiles={ 2 } />

Input Behavior When the Queue is Filled (JavaScript)

You can set the input/drop zone to be hidden or disabled when the file queue limit is reached. When you set queueLimitBehavior together with the desired limit for the queue:

Using the queueLimitBehavior attribute together with the desired limit for the queue, you can set the input/drop zone to be hidden or disabled when the file queue limit is reached. Available options are: hide, disable, or none (default).

If you set the value of queueLimitBehavior to disable, the input will be disabled. When you set it to hide, the input disappears completely. After removing a file from the queue, the input is restored.

                                                <FileUploaderInput maxUploadedFiles={ 2 } queueLimitBehavior="hide" />

Allowed File Types

Use the accept HTML attribute to restrict what file types can be uploaded. For example, to accept Microsoft Word documents:


Required Input

To mark the input as required, simply add the isRequired attribute:


Validation States

Just like any other form component in Spirit, FileUploader implements the Validation state dictionary.

Validation states can be presented either by adding the validationState attribute, or by adding a JS interaction class on the native HTML input when controlled by JavaScript (has-success, has-warning, has-danger).

When validated on server:

                                                  validationText="Success validation message"

Disabled State

To mark the input as disabled, simply add the isDisabled attribute:



Name Type Default Required Description
accept string null ✕ Allowed file types
dragAndDropText string or drag and drop here ✕ Text shown in the drop zone if drag-and-drop is enabled on the device
helperText string null ✕** Custom helper text
iconName string upload ✕ Icon used in the drop zone
id string — ✔ Input and label identification
isDisabled bool false ✕ If true, input is disabled
isLabelHidden bool false ✕ If true, label is hidden
isRequired bool false ✕ If true, input is required
label string null ✕* Label text
maxFileSize number 1000000 ✕ The maximum size of the uploaded file in bytes
maxUploadedFiles number 10 ✕ Maximum file upload queue size
multiple void null ✕ If set, multiple files can be selected
name string null ✕ Input name
pickAFileText string Upload your file ✕ Text shown in the drop zone
queueLimitBehavior [hide | disable | none] none ✕ Input behavior when the file queue is filled
UNSAFE_helperText string null ✕** Unescaped custom helper text
UNSAFE_label string null ✕* Unescaped label text (allows HTML)
UNSAFE_validationText [string | string[]] null ✕** Unescaped validation text
validationState Validation dictionary null ✕ Type of validation state
validationText [string | string[]] null ✕** Validation text

(*) To keep the component accessible, a label is always required. You can use the label for simple text or UNSAFE_label for HTML content. (**) Props with and without UNSAFE_ prefix are mutually exclusive.

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.


FileUploaderList is a simple wrapper which provides an accessible title and the list semantics for the selected files.

👉 When you have more than one file uploader on the page, use the headingId prop to set a unique ID for each list.

                                                  <!-- Attachments, typically inserted by the JavaScript plugin -->


Name Type Default Required Description
headingId string file-uploader-attachments ✕ List and heading identification
headingText string Attachments ✕ List title

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.


FileUploaderAttachment represents the files to be uploaded. It is expected to be a direct descendant of FileUploaderList, so in the background, it uses <li> as the root element.

Long file names are automatically truncated.

                                                <FileUploaderAttachment fileName="My resume.docx" />

FileUploaderAttachment with image preview and edit button:

                                                <FileUploaderAttachment fileName="Profile.jpg" imagePreview="https://...Profile.jpg" onEdit="() => {}" />

While you may insert FileUploaderAttachment into your FileUploaderList, in typical use cases it will live inside a <template> tag in the parent FileUploader. The <template> tag must be inserted inside the main wrapper element that has the data-spirit-toggle="fileUploader" attribute. Our JavaScript FileUploader plugin will then pick up the template and apply it on any attachments the user wants to upload. In order to make the template work with image preview, add the generateImagePreview prop to the FileUploaderAttachment inside the <template>.

                                                <FileUploader data-spirit-toggle="fileUploader">
                                                  <template data-spirit-snippet="item">
                                                    <FileUploaderAttachment />
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderInput -->
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderList -->

With image preview:

                                                <FileUploader data-spirit-toggle="fileUploader">
                                                  <template data-spirit-snippet="item">
                                                    <FileUploaderAttachment generateImagePreview />
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderInput -->
                                                  <!-- FileUploaderList -->


Name Type Default Required Description
editText string Edit ✕ Edit button text
fileName string null ✕ File name
generateImagePreview bool false ✕ If true and used in the attachment template, the JS plugin will try to show a preview of the image
iconName string file ✕ Icon shown along the file
imagePreview string null ✕ URL or base64 of an image
imageObjectFit [cover | contain] cover ✕ Defines FileUploaderAttachment image fit in container
onEdit func null ✕ Function to trigger on click on edit button
removeText string Remove ✕ Remove button text

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.


This is how all subcomponents build up the complete FileUploader:

                                                <FileUploader data-spirit-toggle="fileUploader">
                                                    <template data-spirit-snippet="item">
                                                        <FileUploaderAttachment />
                                                        helperText="Max file size is 10 MB"
                                                    <FileUploaderList />
