
Header wraps top-level navigation and branding.

Markdown docs


This is the Twig implementation of the Header component.

The Header is a highly variable and customizable component. It comes in several design variants and provides a handful of building blocks you can use to achieve your specific design goals.

The Header is a composition of several subcomponents:

JavaScript Plugin

For full functionality, you need to provide Spirit JavaScript, which will handle toggling of the Header component:

                                                <script src="node_modules/@lmc-eu/spirit-web/js/cjs/spirit-web.min.js" async></script>

Please consult the main README for how to include JavaScript plugins.

Or, feel free to write the controlling script yourself.

👉 Check the component's docs in the web package to see the full documentation and API of the plugin.

Accessibility Guidelines

👉 The animation effect of this component is dependent on the prefers-reduced-motion media query.

🌍 Although we don't need it yet, this component experimentally supports RTL languages (because just a single line had to be added to make it all work 🎉).

Minimal Header

Without any modifier, Header is ready to contain necessary blocks in a classic left-to-right layout (in LTR documents). Please note it is fully transparent unless you specify a color variant.

                                                    <a href="/">

Color Variants

Currently, Header comes in two color variants: transparent (for dark backgrounds) and inverted (for light backgrounds). Use the color property to apply the desired background color to Header.

                                                <Header color="inverted">
                                                    <a href="/">

Simple Header

The isSimple modifier makes the header bar slightly shorter and aligns its content to the center. Use this design variant when all you need on the page is just branding.

                                                <Header isSimple>
                                                    <a href="/">


Name Type Default Required Description
color [transparent | inverted] transparent Color variant
isSimple bool false Shorter, centered version of Header

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Supported Content

To create a responsive header with top-level navigation, there are the following building blocks to use:

  1. Inside Header:
    1. mobile-only actions, including toggle button by default,
    2. desktop-only actions with primary and secondary action slots.
  2. Inside Header Dialog:
    1. primary actions slot (all breakpoints),
    2. secondary actions slot (all breakpoints).


Mobile-Only Actions

Slot for actions that are intended to display on mobile and tablet screens only. It holds the toggle button by default, but you can add as many custom elements as the free space in Header allows.

                                                <HeaderMobileActions dialogId="my-header-dialog" />

Toggle button is already part of the mobile actions component. It is linked to the Header Dialog via the dialogId prop.

Custom Mobile Actions

You can place any custom content into the mobile actions component:

                                                <HeaderMobileActions dialogId="my-header-dialog">
                                                  <!-- Mobile-only actions -->


Name Type Default Required Description
dialogId string ID of the linked HeaderDialog
menuToggleLabel string Menu Label of the menu toggle button

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Desktop-Only Actions

As the name suggests, desktop-only actions are intended to display on desktop screens only. They generally work as flex containers that define vertical alignment and spacing.

There are two slots you can use: primary actions (aligned to left in LTR documents), and secondary actions (aligned to right).

👉 It is critical to make sure all your actions fit the Header on the desktop breakpoint. Spirit intentionally does not provide any overflow control here.

                                                <HeaderDesktopActions aria-label="Main navigation">
                                                  <!-- Desktop-only primary actions -->
                                                <HeaderDesktopActions color="secondary">
                                                  <!-- Desktop-only secondary actions -->


Name Type Default Required Description
color [primary | secondary] primary Color and alignment variant

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Navigation is designed to live in either of the action slots.

👉 As of now, only single-level navigation is supported. You may consider using the Header Dialog for other use cases such as the user menu.

                                                    <HeaderLink href="/" isCurrent>Job offers</HeaderLink>
                                                    <HeaderLink href="/">Part-time jobs</HeaderLink>
                                                    <HeaderLink href="/">Inspiration</HeaderLink>
                                                    <HeaderLink href="/">Replies</HeaderLink>
                                                    <HeaderLink href="/">Employers</HeaderLink>

Both links and buttons are supported:

                                                    <HeaderLink href="/">Link item</HeaderLink>
                                                    <HeaderButton>Button item</HeaderButton>

Other Content

You can avoid using the HeaderNav for standalone links. That way, you can combine links and buttons in the same container:

                                                <HeaderDesktopActions color="secondary">
                                                  <Button color="primary">Sign in</Button>
HeaderNav API

There is no API for HeaderNav.

HeaderNavItem API

There is no API for HeaderNavItem.

Name Type Default Required Description
href string Link URL
isCurrent bool false Mark link as current
target string null Browsing context for the link
HeaderButton API

There is no API for HeaderButton.

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Header Dialog

Header Dialog is Spirit's solution for responsive navigation and selected use cases such as the user menu. Please note Header Dialog is not intended to be used for second-level navigation in general.

                                                <HeaderDialog id="my-header-dialog">
                                                  <!-- Close button with primary and secondary actions -->


Name Type Default Required Description
id string ID to be linked in HeaderMobileActions

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Close Button

Close button closes the Header Dialog using our Off-canvas JavaScript plugin.

                                                <HeaderDialogCloseButton dialogId="my-header-dialog" />


Name Type Default Required Description
dialogId string ID of the parent HeaderDialog
enableDismiss bool true Enable Off-canvas JS dismiss
label string Close Label of the menu toggle button

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Primary and Secondary Actions

There are two slots for actions inside Header Dialog: primary actions slot and the optional secondary actions slot.

                                                <HeaderDialogActions aria-label="Main navigation">
                                                  <!-- Primary actions -->
                                                <HeaderDialogActions color="secondary">
                                                  <!-- Secondary actions -->


Name Type Default Required Description
color [primary | secondary] primary Color of the actions slot

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

Navigation capabilities are very similar to those of Header. All principles apply here as well, with the only difference in component names starting with HeaderDialog instead of Header.

                                                    <HeaderDialogLink href="/" isCurrent>Job offers</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                    <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Part-time jobs</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                    <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Inspiration</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                    <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Replies</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                    <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Employers</HeaderDialogLink>

Navigation items can be links, buttons, or just text:

                                                    <HeaderDialogLink href="/">
                                                      Link item
                                                      Button item
                                                      Text item
HeaderDialogNav API

There is no API for HeaderDialogNav.

HeaderDialogNavItem API

There is no API for HeaderDialogNavItem.

Name Type Default Required Description
href string Link URL
isCurrent bool false Mark link as current
target string null Browsing context for the link
HeaderDialogButton API

There is no API for HeaderDialogButton.

HeaderDialogText API

There is no API for HeaderDialogText.

The components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.


This is how all supported building blocks of the Header build up the complete composition:

                                                <Header color="inverted">
                                                  <!-- Branding -->
                                                  <HeaderMobileActions dialogId="my-menu">
                                                    <!-- Optional mobile-only actions -->
                                                    <!-- Desktop-only primary actions -->
                                                        <HeaderLink href="/">Job offers</HeaderLink>
                                                      <!-- … -->
                                                  <HeaderDesktopActions color="secondary">
                                                    <!-- Desktop-only secondary actions -->

And the complete Header Dialog:

                                                <HeaderDialog id="my-menu">
                                                  <HeaderDialogCloseButton dialogId="my-menu" />
                                                      <!-- Primary actions -->
                                                        <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Job offers</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                      <!-- … -->
                                                  <HeaderDialogActions color="secondary">
                                                    <!-- Secondary actions -->

Show full example code of Header with responsive navigation

                                                <Header color="inverted">
                                                  <a href="/" aria-label="Spirit homepage">
                                                    <img src="…" width="65" height="24" alt="Spirit" />
                                                  <HeaderMobileActions dialogId="my-menu" />
                                                  <HeaderDesktopActions aria-label="Main navigation">
                                                        <HeaderLink href="/" isCurrent>Job offers</HeaderLink>
                                                        <HeaderLink href="/">Part-time jobs</HeaderLink>
                                                        <HeaderLink href="/">Inspiration</HeaderLink>
                                                        <HeaderLink href="/">Replies</HeaderLink>
                                                        <HeaderLink href="/">Employers</HeaderLink>
                                                  <HeaderDesktopActions color="secondary">
                                                    <ButtonLink color="primary" href="/">Sign in</ButtonLink>
                                                    <ButtonLink color="inverted" href="/">Enterprise</ButtonLink>
                                                <HeaderDialog id="my-menu">
                                                  <HeaderDialogCloseButton dialogId="my-menu" />
                                                  <HeaderDialogActions aria-label="Main navigation">
                                                        <HeaderDialogLink href="/" isCurrent>Job offers</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                        <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Part-time jobs</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                        <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Inspiration</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                        <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Replies</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                        <HeaderDialogLink href="/">Employers</HeaderDialogLink>
                                                  <HeaderDialogActions color="secondary">
                                                    <ButtonLink color="primary" href="/">Sign in</ButtonLink>
                                                    <ButtonLink color="inverted" href="/">Enterprise</ButtonLink>
