


                                                            import { Icon, IconsProvider } from '@lmc-eu/spirit-web-react/components';
                                                        import icons from '@lmc-eu/spirit-icons/icons';<
                                                        <IconsProvider value={icons}>
                                                          <Icon name="warning" />
                                                          Hey! Pay attention!


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Icons are graphical metaphors or symbols that can be used to complement existing experiences.

🚀 Getting started

To use this component in your project you need to run the following command using npm:

                                                npm install -S @lmc-eu/spirit-icons

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

                                                yarn add @lmc-eu/spirit-icons

📦 Dependencies

@lmc-eu/spirit-icons is required as a peer dependency to keep package size as low as possible. So it will not be automatically installed with @lmc-eu/spirit-web-react.

📝 Usage

                                                import { Icon, IconsProvider } from '@lmc-eu/spirit-web-react/components';
                                                import icons from '@lmc-eu/spirit-icons/icons';

                                                <IconsProvider value={icons}>
                                                  <Icon name="warning" />
                                                  Hey! Pay attention!


Name Type Default Required Description
boxSize number 24 Size of the icon
name string Name of the icon
title string Title of the icon

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

For more details about Icons see Spirit Icons package.