
Modal allows to prompt users to take or complete an action.



Modal is a composition of several subcomponents:

Modal establishes the top layer with a backdrop. Under the hood it uses the <dialog> element which provides several accessibility advantages.

                                                <dialog id="modal-example" class="Modal Modal--center" aria-labelledby="modal-example-title">
                                                  <!-- ModalDialog -->

πŸ‘‰ Please note the aria-labelledby attribute is linked to the title inside ModalHeader and provides an accessible name for the dialog.

Vertical Alignment

Modal can be aligned to the center (default), top, or bottom. These values come from the alignment dictionary. Using a corresponding modifier class will align the modal accordingly:

  • Modal--top
  • Modal--center (default)
  • Modal--bottom


                                                <dialog id="modal-example" class="Modal Modal--top" aria-labelledby="modal-example-title">
                                                  <!-- ModalDialog -->

Custom Height

By default, Modal expands to fit the height of its content, as long as it fits the viewport (see more below). You can override this behavior by setting a custom preferred height using a custom property:

  • --modal-preferred-height-mobile for mobile screens, and
  • --modal-preferred-height-tablet for tablet screens and up.

This is useful for Modals with dynamic content, e.g. a list of items that can be added or removed, or a multistep wizard.

                                                  class="Modal Modal--center"
                                                  style="--modal-preferred-height-mobile: 400px; --modal-preferred-height-tablet: 500px;"
                                                  <!-- ModalDialog -->

πŸ‘‰ Please note the preferred height options are ignored when scrolling inside ModalDialog is turned off.

πŸ‘‰ Please note the custom height values are considered preferred: Modal will not expand beyond the viewport height.

Custom Max Height

The default maximum height of Modal is:

  • viewport height minus 1100 spacing on mobile screens, and
  • 600 px on tablet screens and up (shrunk if necessary).

You can use the custom property --modal-max-height-tablet to override the max height on tablet screens and up:

                                                  class="Modal Modal--center"
                                                  style="--modal-max-height-tablet: 700px"
                                                  <!-- ModalDialog -->

πŸ‘‰ Please note the max height is ignored when scrolling inside ModalDialog is turned off.

πŸ‘‰ Please note the max height on mobile screens is currently not customizable. Let us know if you need this feature! πŸ™


ModalDialog is the actual dialog window, a place for the header, body, and footer of the dialog.

                                                <article class="ModalDialog">
                                                  <!-- ModalHeader -->
                                                  <!-- ModalBody -->
                                                  <!-- ModalFooter -->

Forms in Modal

Modal can also contain interactive content like forms. For such cases, you may find it convenient to use the <form> element with the attribute method="dialog". Buttons with type="submit" then handle both saving the state of the form and closing the dialog.

                                                <form class="ModalDialog" method="dialog">
                                                  <!-- … -->
                                                  <button type="submit" class="Button Button--primary Button--medium">Save</button>

Dropdowns can be safely used inside non-scrollable Modals so that the Dropdown popover is not clipped by the Modal's boundaries.

πŸ‘‰ See the Scrolling Long Content section for more information on scroll control of Modals.

Expand on Mobile Screens

We recommend expanding the dialog on mobile screens using the ModalDialog--expandOnMobile modifier class. If you omit the class, the dialog shrinks to fit the height of its content (if smaller than the viewport).

                                                <article class="ModalDialog ModalDialog--expandOnMobile">
                                                  <!-- … -->


ModalHeader contains the title of the dialog and the close button.

ℹ️ We strongly recommend providing the ModalHeader in every use case to ensure the dialog is accessible and allows users to easily close it.

                                                <div class="ModalHeader">
                                                  <h2 id="modal-example-title" class="ModalHeader__title">Modal Title</h2>
                                                    class="Button Button--tertiary Button--square Button--medium"
                                                    <svg width="24" height="24" aria-hidden="true">
                                                      <use xlink:href="/icons/svg/sprite.svg#close" />
                                                    <span class="accessibility-hidden">Close</span>

Hidden Title

Even in cases you don't need the title to be visible you should provide an accessible name for the dialog, e.g. using the aria-label attribute on the <dialog> element:

                                                <dialog id="modal-example" class="Modal" aria-label="Accessible Modal Title">
                                                  <!-- … -->


ModalBody holds the actual content of the Modal.

                                                <div class="ModalBody">
                                                    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam at excepturi laudantium magnam mollitia
                                                    perferendis reprehenderit, voluptate. Cum delectus dicta ducimus eligendi excepturi natus perferendis provident
                                                    unde. Eveniet, iste, molestiae?


ModalFooter is the place for actions represented by the Button component. While there always must be a primary Button, secondary actions are optional.

πŸ‘‰ Please note the actions are visually ordered from right to left from the tablet breakpoint up. However, the actual order in code is followed when users tab over the interface.

ℹ️ We strongly recommend including the ModalFooter with at least one primary action in every use case to facilitate user interaction and ensure consistent spacing within the dialog. Should the ModalFooter be omitted, please ensure to compensate for the lost spacing by applying utility spacing classes to the ModalBody.

                                                <div class="ModalFooter ModalFooter--right">
                                                  <div class="ModalFooter__actions">
                                                      class="Button Button--primary Button--medium"
                                                      Primary action
                                                      class="Button Button--secondary Button--medium"
                                                      Secondary action

Optionally, you can add a description to the footer:

                                                <div class="ModalFooter ModalFooter--right">
                                                  <div class="ModalFooter__description">Optional description</div>
                                                  <div class="ModalFooter__actions">
                                                    <!-- Actions… -->

ModalFooter can be aligned to the right (default), center, or left. These values come from the alignment dictionary. Using a corresponding modifier class will align the footer actions accordingly:

  • ModalFooter--right (default)
  • ModalFooter--center
  • ModalFooter--left

Opening the Modal

Use our JavaScript plugin to open your Modal, e.g.:

                                                  class="Button Button--primary Button--medium"
                                                  Open Modal

Disable Modal Closing on Backdrop Click

Disable modal close when clicking on the backdrop. You can still close modal with close buttons or ESC key.

                                                <dialog id="modal-example" class="Modal Modal--center" data-spirit-backdrop-close-disabled="true">
                                                  <!-- … -->

Scrolling Long Content

When Modals become too long for the user's viewport or device, they scroll independently of the page itself. By default, ModalBody has overflow-y: auto applied to it, so it scrolls vertically.

Scrolling with ScrollView

Alternatively, you can wrap the ModalBody content in a ScrollView to take over the responsibility for scrolling, e.g.:

                                                <div class="ScrollView ScrollView--vertical" data-spirit-toggle="scrollView">
                                                  <div class="ScrollView__viewport" data-spirit-element="viewport">
                                                    <div class="ScrollView__content" data-spirit-element="content">
                                                      <div class="ModalBody">
                                                        <!-- … -->
                                                  <div class="ScrollView__overflowDecorators ScrollView__overflowDecorators--borders" aria-hidden="true"></div>

Disable Scrolling Inside ModalDialog

Scrolling inside ModalDialog can be turned off by adding the ModalDialog--nonScrollable modifier class:

                                                <article class="ModalDialog ModalDialog--nonScrollable">
                                                  <!-- … -->

This way, the ModalBody will expand to fit the height of its content and the whole ModalDialog will scroll in case the content is longer than user's viewport.

πŸ‘‰ Please note that this modifier class can produce unexpected results when used in combination with ScrollView.


The .ModalDialog--nonScrollable modifier will be removed in the next major release and the ModalDialog will be made non-scrollable by default. It will be possible to re-enable the inside scrolling by adding the .ModalDialog--scrollable modifier class (which will remain the recommended default usage).

Stacking Modals

Multiple Modals can be open at the same time. That means, you can open a Modal from another Modal, and they will display stacked on top of each other. The topmost Modal is always the one that is last in the DOM.

                                                <!-- First Modal: -->
                                                <dialog id="modal-first" class="Modal Modal--center" aria-labelledby="modal-first-title"></dialog>
                                                <!-- This Modal will stack up on the previous Modal: -->
                                                <dialog id="modal-topmost" class="Modal Modal--center" aria-labelledby="modal-topmost-title"></dialog>

πŸ‘‰ Please note that Modals cannot be nested into each other in the DOM.

Full Example

When you put it all together:

                                                <!-- Modal Trigger: start -->
                                                  class="Button Button--primary Button--medium"
                                                  Open Modal
                                                <!-- Modal Trigger: end -->
                                                <!-- Modal: start -->
                                                <dialog id="modal-example" class="Modal Modal--center" aria-labelledby="modal-example-title">
                                                  <!-- ModalDialog: start -->
                                                  <article class="ModalDialog">
                                                    <!-- ModalHeader: start -->
                                                    <div class="ModalHeader">
                                                      <h2 id="modal-example-title" class="ModalHeader__title">Modal Title</h2>
                                                        class="Button Button--tertiary Button--square Button--medium"
                                                        <svg width="24" height="24" aria-hidden="true">
                                                          <use xlink:href="/icons/svg/sprite.svg#close" />
                                                        <span class="accessibility-hidden">Close</span>
                                                    <!-- ModalHeader: end -->
                                                    <!-- ModalBody: start -->
                                                    <div class="ModalBody">
                                                      <!-- Content: start -->
                                                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam at excepturi laudantium magnam mollitia
                                                        perferendis reprehenderit, voluptate. Cum delectus dicta ducimus eligendi excepturi natus perferendis provident
                                                        unde. Eveniet, iste, molestiae?
                                                      <!-- Content: end -->
                                                    <!-- ModalBody: end -->
                                                    <!-- ModalFooter: start -->
                                                    <div class="ModalFooter ModalFooter--right">
                                                      <div class="ModalFooter__description">Optional description</div>
                                                      <div class="ModalFooter__actions">
                                                          class="Button Button--primary Button--medium"
                                                          Primary action
                                                          class="Button Button--secondary Button--medium"
                                                          Secondary action
                                                    <!-- ModalFooter: end -->
                                                  <!-- ModalDialog: end -->
                                                <!-- Modal: end -->

Toggle Attributes

Both trigger and close buttons use data attributes to open and close the Modal.

Name Type Default Required Description
aria-controls string β€” βœ• Aria controls state (auto)
aria-expanded string β€” βœ• Aria expanded state (auto)
data-spirit-close-on-backdrop-click bool true βœ• Whether the modal will close when backdrop is clicked
data-spirit-dismiss string modal βœ• Iterable selector
data-spirit-target string β€” βœ” Target selector
data-spirit-toggle string modal βœ• Iterable selector

Feature Flag: Uniform Appearance on All Breakpoints

The uniform appearance of modal dialog on all breakpoints is disabled by default. To enable it, either set the $modal-enable-uniform-dialog Sass feature flag to true or use the spirit-feature-modal-enable-uniform-dialog CSS class on any parent of the modal.

For more info, see main README.


The uniform dialog appearance will replace current behavior in the next major release. Current mobile appearance will remain accessible via the .ModalDialog--dockOnMobile modifier class.

What are deprecations?

JavaScript Plugin

For full functionality you need to provide JavaScript which will handle the toggling of the Modal dialog component.

                                                <script src="node_modules/@lmc-eu/spirit-web/js/cjs/spirit-web.min.js" async></script>

Please consult the main package README for how to include JavaScript plugins.

Or feel free to write controlling scripts yourself.