
Pill highlights content with short additional information.

Live code


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Pills can be used to show count or label.

                                                import { Pill } from '@lmc-eu/spirit-web-react';

                                                  <Pill color="primary">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="secondary">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="tertiary">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="inverted">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="selected">333</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="unselected">333</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="success">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="informative">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="warning">3</Pill>
                                                  <Pill color="danger">3</Pill>


Name Type Default Required Description
children ReactNode Content of the Pill
color [Action Color dictionary | Emotion Color dictionary | selected | unselected] selected Color of the component

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

For detailed information see Pill component