
Tabs are a navigation component that allows users to switch between different sections of content within the same interface.
They improve user experience by reducing clutter and providing a clear and intuitive way to navigate through multiple sections.

Markdown docs


This is Twig implementation of the Tabs component.

Basic example usage:

                                                    <TabLink isSelected id="pane-1-tab" targetPaneId="pane-1" data-spirit-toggle="tabs">Item selected</TabLink>
                                                    <TabLink id="pane-2-tab" targetPaneId="pane-2" data-spirit-toggle="tabs">Item</TabLink>
                                                    <TabLink href="">Item link</TabLink>
                                                <TabPane id="pane-1" isSelected label="pane-1-tab">Pane 1</TabPane>
                                                <TabPane id="pane-2" label="pane-2-tab">Pane 2</TabPane>

Without lexer:

                                                {% embed "@spirit/tabList.twig" %}
                                                    {% block content %}
                                                        {% embed "@spirit/tabItem.twig" %}
                                                            {% block content %}
                                                                {% embed "@spirit/tabLink.twig" with { props: {
                                                                  id: 'pane-1-tab',
                                                                  isSelected: true,
                                                                  targetPaneId: 'pane1',
                                                                } } %}
                                                                    {% block content %}
                                                                        Item selected
                                                                    {% endblock %}
                                                                {% endembed %}
                                                            {% endblock %}
                                                        {% endembed %}
                                                    {% endblock %}
                                                {% endembed %}

Custom Spacing

You can use the spacing prop to apply custom spacing between tab items. The prop accepts either a spacing token (e.g. space-100) or an object with breakpoint keys and spacing token values.

Custom spacing:

                                                <Tablist spacing="space-1200">
                                                  <!-- Stacked content -->

Custom responsive spacing:

                                                <TabList spacing="{{ { mobile: 'space-400', tablet: 'space-800', desktop: 'space-1200' } }}">
                                                  <!-- Stacked content -->


The Tabs itself consists of many components which cannot be used independently.


Name Type Default Required Description
spacing [spacing token | object] null Apply custom spacing between tab items


There is no API for TabItem.

Name Type Default Required Description
href string null URL target of a link
isSelected bool false Whether is tab item selected
targetPaneId string null Target tab pane ID


Name Type Default Required Description
id string null Tab pane target identification
isSelected bool false Whether is tab pane selected
label string null Aria label of the tab pane

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

JavaScript Plugin

For full functionality, you need to provide Spirit JavaScript:

                                                <script src="node_modules/@lmc-eu/spirit-web/js/cjs/spirit-web.min.js" async></script>

Please consult the main README for how to include JavaScript plugins.

Or, feel free to write the controlling script yourself.

👉 Check the component's docs in the web package to see the full documentation and API of the plugin.
