Text Area

Markdown docs


This is Twig implementation of the TextArea component.

Basic example usage:

                                                <TextArea id="textAreaDefault" label="Label" name="textAreaDefault" />

Advanced example usage:

                                                  helperText="custom helper text"
                                                  validationText="validation failed"

Without lexer:

                                                {% embed "@spirit/textArea.twig" with { props: {
                                                    helperText: "custom helper text",
                                                    id: "textAreaEmbed",
                                                    isRequired: true,
                                                    label: "Label",
                                                    maxlength: 180,
                                                    name: "textAreaEmbed",
                                                    placeholder: "Placeholder",
                                                    rows: 10,
                                                    validationState: "danger",
                                                    validationText: "validation failed",
                                                    value: "TextArea"
                                                }} %}


Name Type Default Required Description
autocomplete string null Automated assistance in filling
helperText string null Custom helper text
id string TextArea and label identification
inputProps string[] [] Pass additional attributes to the textarea element
isAutoResizing bool false If true, TextArea adjusts its height as user types, see plugin info
isDisabled bool false If true, TextArea is disabled
isFluid bool false If true, the element spans to the full width of its parent
isLabelHidden bool false If true, label is hidden
isRequired bool false If true, TextArea is required
label string ✔* Label text
maxlength number null Maximum number of characters
name string null TextArea name
placeholder string null TextArea placeholder
rows number null Number of visible rows
UNSAFE_helperText string null Unescaped custom helper text
UNSAFE_label string ✔* Unescaped label text
UNSAFE_validationText [string | string[]] null Unescaped custom validation text
validationState Validation dictionary null Type of validation state.
validationText [string | string[]] null Validation text
value string null TextArea value

(*) Label is required. You can use the label for simple text or UNSAFE_label for HTML content.

On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.

JavaScript Plugin for Auto-Resizing

To enable auto-resizing of the textarea, first, you need to provide Spirit JavaScript, which will handle the functionality:

                                                <script src="node_modules/@lmc-eu/spirit-web/js/cjs/spirit-web.min.js" async></script>

Please consult the main README for how to include JavaScript plugins.

Then you need to add attribute isAutoResizing to the component.

                                                  label="Label of auto-resizing TextArea"

👉 Check the component's docs in the web package to see the full documentation and API of the plugin.