Markdown docs
This is the Twig implementation of the Toast component.
Toast displays a brief, temporary notification that appears at a prescribed location of an application window.
Toast is a composition of a few subcomponents:
The Toast component is a container responsible for positioning the ToastBar component. It is capable of handling even multiple toast messages at once, stacking them in a queue.
<!-- ToastBar components go here -->
The wrapping Toast container has the role="log" attribute set (which results in an implicit aria-live value of polite). Assistive technologies then announce any dynamic changes inside the container as they happen. In order for this to work, the Toast component must be present in the DOM on the initial page load, even when empty.
đ Unless you are absolutely sure that your toast messages are critical to interrupt the user, you should not change the (implicit) polite value of the aria-live attribute. When set to assertive, assistive technologies immediately notify the user, potentially clearing the speech queue of previous updates.
The Toast component is positioned at the bottom of the screen by default. It is also fixed to the bottom of the screen, so it will always be visible, even when the user scrolls. Available alignment options are derived from the AlignmentX and AlignmentY dictionaries and are as follows:
- top left,
- top center,
- top right,
- bottom left,
- bottom center (default),
- bottom right.
Use the alignmentX and alignmentY options to change the alignment of the Toast component.
âšī¸ The center vertical alignment is not supported, as it would not make sense for a toast notification to be in the middle of the screen.
<Toast alignmentX="right" alignmentY="top">
<!-- ToastBar components go here -->
Responsive Alignment
Pass an object to props to set different values for different breakpoints. The values will be applied from mobile to desktop and if not set for a breakpoint, the value from the previous breakpoint will be used.
<Toast alignmentX="{{ { mobile: 'center', tablet: 'right' } }}" alignmentY="top">
<!-- ToastBar components go here -->
Mobile Screens
Positioning becomes trickier on mobile screens due to the presence of notches, rounded corners, and the virtual keyboard. The Toast component tries to find the best position to be visible using the following detection mechanisms:
- On devices with rounded displays and/or notches (e.g. iPhone X and newer), the Toast component is pushed inwards to avoid the rounded corners. The viewport-fit="cover" meta tag is required for this feature to work:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover" />
- Android Chrome only: When the vertical alignment is set to bottom and the virtual keyboard is open, the Toast component is pushed upwards to avoid being covered by the keyboard. This feature requires the following JavaScript snippet and is currently supported only in Chrome 94 on Android and later.
// Enable CSS to detect the presence of virtual keyboard:
if ('virtualKeyboard' in navigator) {
navigator.virtualKeyboard.overlaysContent = true;
Toast Queue
When multiple ToastBar components are present, they stack up in a queue, separated by a gap. The ToastBar components are sorted from top to bottom for the top vertical alignment, and from bottom to top for the bottom vertical alignment.
đ Please note the actual order in the DOM is followed when users tab over the interface, no matter the visual order of the toast queue.
The collapsible Toast queue is turned on by default and can hold up to 3 ToastBar components. When the queue is full, the oldest ToastBar components are collapsed at the start of the queue and are only accessible by closing the newer ones.
By default, the Toast queue collapses when there are more than 3 ToastBars. To turn off this behavior and make the queue scrollable when it does not fit the screen, set the isCollapsible prop to false.
â ī¸ Please note that scrolling is not available on iOS devices due to a limitation in the WebKit engine.
đ Please note that the initial scroll position is always at the top of the queue.
<Toast isCollapsible={ false }>
<!-- ToastBar components go here -->
Toast Queue Limitations
đ Please note only the visible ToastBar components are scrollable. Collapsed items are not accessible until visible items are dismissed.
đ For the sake of simplicity, the collapsible items limit cannot be configured at the moment.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
alignmentX | [AlignmentX dictionary | object] | center | â | Horizontal alignment of the toast queue |
alignmentY | [top | bottom | object] | bottom | â | Vertical alignment of the toast queue |
isCollapsible | bool | true | â | If true, Toast queue collapses if there are more than 3 ToastBars |
On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.
The ToastBar component is the actual toast notification. It is a simple container with a message and a few optional elements.
Minimum example:
<ToastBarMessage>Message only</ToastBarMessage>
Optional Icon
An icon can be displayed in the ToastBar component, depending on the color of the ToastBar:
<ToastBar color="success" hasIcon>
<ToastBarMessage>Message with icon</ToastBarMessage>
Alternatively, a custom icon can be used:
<ToastBar iconName="download">
<ToastBarMessage>Message with custom icon</ToastBarMessage>
Default Icons According to Color Variant
Color name | Icon name |
danger | danger |
informative | info |
neutral | info |
success | check-plain |
warning | warning |
ToastBar Components
The content of ToastBar can be assembled from the following subcomponents:
ToastBarMessage is a subcomponent designated for the main message in ToastBar.
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
children | string | â | â | Content of the message |
On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.
ToastBarLink is a subcomponent designated to create an action link within ToastBar.
<ToastBarMessage>Message with action</ToastBarMessage>
<ToastBarLink href="#">Action</ToastBarLink>
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
children | string | â | â | Content of the link |
href | string | â | â | ToastBarLink's href attribute |
On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.
đ Do not put any important actions like "Undo" in the ToastBar component (unless there are other means to perform said action), as it is very hard (if not impossible) to reach for users with assistive technologies. Read more about Toast accessibility at Scott O'Hara's blog.
The ToastBar component is available in all emotion colors, plus the neutral variant (default). Use the color option to change the color of the ToastBar component.
For example:
<ToastBar color="success">
<ToastBarMessage>Success message</ToastBarMessage>
Basic Interactions
For basic use cases, you can simply place the ToastBar component inside the Toast container and show/hide it using our JavaScript plugin.
Showing the Static ToastBar
Use our JavaScript plugin to show a Toast that is present in the DOM, e.g.:
Show hidden toast
đ Advanced toast queue control is not yet implemented.
Dismissible ToastBar
To make the ToastBar dismissible, add the isDismissible prop along with a unique id attribute:
<ToastBar id="my-dismissible-toast" isDismissible>
<ToastBarMessage>Dismissible message</ToastBarMessage>
Name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
closeLabel | string | Close | â | Close label |
color | [Emotion Color dictionary | neutral] | neutral | â | Color variant |
hasIcon | bool | false * | â | If true, an icon is shown along the message |
iconName | string | info * | â | Name of a custom icon to be shown along the message |
id | string | â | â | Optional ToastBar ID. Required when isDismissible is set to true |
isDismissible | bool | false | â | If true, ToastBar can be dismissed by user |
isTemplate | bool | false | â | If true, ToastBar will be adjusted for rendering inside <template> |
isOpen | bool | true | â | If true, ToastBar is visible |
(*) For each emotion color, a default icon is defined. The icons come from the Icon package, or from your custom source of icons. Read the section Default Icons according to Color Variant.
On top of the API options, the components accept additional attributes. If you need more control over the styling of a component, you can use style props and escape hatches.
Full Example
<ToastBar id="my-dismissible-toast" isDismissible>
<ToastBarMessage>Toast message</ToastBarMessage>
<ToastBarLink href="#">Action</ToastBarLink>
Creating Dynamic ToastBars
To create ToastBar components dynamically, make sure to add the ToastBar template inside the <template> tag. The <template> tag must be inserted anywhere inside the Toast container. Our JavaScript Toast plugin will then pick up the template and apply it on any toasts to be shown to the user, using the configuration provided. The template ToastBar has to have the isTemplate prop set.
â ī¸ In order to make the dynamic ToastBar icons work, you need to include the SVG sprites in your project. You can use the Icon component with isSymbol prop. Otherwise, the icons will not be displayed as the JS plugin does not render the icons by itself, it just sets the use tag with the correct xlink:href attribute. Also, do not forget to set the hidden attribute on the wrapping element to hide the icons from the screen.
<div hidden>
<Icon name="check-plain" isSymbol />
<Icon name="danger" isSymbol />
<Icon name="info" isSymbol />
<Icon name="warning" isSymbol />
<Toast id="toast-example">
<template data-spirit-snippet="item">
<ToastBar isTemplate />
Or preconfigure the template with some default values:
<div hidden>
<Icon name="check-plain" isSymbol />
<Icon name="danger" isSymbol />
<Icon name="info" isSymbol />
<Icon name="warning" isSymbol />
<Toast id="toast-example">
<template data-spirit-snippet="item">
<ToastBar isTemplate color="success" hasIcon isDismissible />
Then configure and create a new Toast instance and call the show method on it, for example:
import Toast from '@lmc-eu/spirit-web/dist/js/Toast';
const toast = new Toast(null, {
autoCloseInterval: 3000, // Set interval after ToastBar will be closed in ms, default: 3000
color: 'informative', // One of ['neutral' (default), 'success', 'warning, 'danger', 'informative']
containerId: 'toast-example', // Must match the ID of the Toast container in HTML
enableAutoClose: true, // If true, ToastBar will close after `autoCloseInterval`, default: true
hasIcon: true,
message: 'Hello, this is my toast message!', // Can be plain text or HTML
linkContent: 'Action', // Link text
linkProps: {
href: '', // Link URL
target: '_blank', // Optional link target attribute
underlined: 'never', // Optional link underlining, one of ['always' (default), 'hover', 'never']
isDisabled: false, // Optional link disabling, default: false
elementType: 'a', // Optional link element type, default: 'a'
iconName: 'info', // Optional icon name used as the #fragment in the SVG sprite URL
id: 'my-toast', // An ID is required for dismissible ToastBar
isDismissible: true,
JavaScript Plugin
For full functionality you need to provide JavaScript which will handle the toggling of the Toast component.
<script src="node_modules/@lmc-eu/spirit-web/js/cjs/spirit-web.min.js" async></script>
Please consult the main package README for how to include JavaScript plugins.
Or feel free to write controlling scripts yourself.
đ Check the component's docs in the web package to see the full documentation and API of the plugin.