
Here you can find general info on how to use Spirit Icons. There is also a README file for each implementation — icons in Web, React Icon, and Twig Icon.


You can find spirit icons in a separate package called `icons`. This package is connected to Supernova using the version release hook. Supernova outputs raw SVGs and we process them. First colors are switched to `currentColor` and then an SVG sprite is generated. Lastly, we generate react components from SVGs.


                                                            yarn add @lmc-eu/spirit-web


                                                            npm install --save @lmc-eu/spirit-web


You can use the SVG sprite for simple HTML implementation. No CSS is needed. Just copy the SVG sprite to your project and load it in the SVG using `<use>`.

                                                            <svg width="24" height="24" aria-hidden="true">
                                                          <use xlink:href="path/to/sprite.svg#warning" />


React Icon component depends on IconsProvider. Pass icon objects from the package to the Provider and use them to wrap your app or a component. Then you can just pass the name of the icon to the Icon component.

                                                            import { Icon, IconsProvider } from '@lmc-eu/spirit-web-react/components';
                                                        import icons from '@lmc-eu/spirit-icons/icons';
                                                        export default function AppWithIcons(props) {
                                                         return (
                                                          <IconsProvider value={icons}>
                                                           <Icon name="warning" />


For twig implementation, you need to set the correct path in your `config/packages/spirit_web_twig.yml`. Then you can use the Icon component.

                                                              - '%kernel.project_dir%/path/to/directory/of/svgs'


                                                            <Icon name="warning" />

Using a different icon set

For Web implementation just generate your own sprite, for React create an object with contents of the SVGs and for Twig you just need a folder with all the SVG files.